Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Experiment (maybe)

The thought popped into my head in early December. I didn't take it too seriously. But, it kept reappearing...Again...And again. In a weak moment last week, I shared the thought with your dad. He suggested that I go for it! And, blog about it! I thought, "Shoot. Then I may have to actually act on the idea. Shoot!"

Well...the first step was taken today. I went to and unsubscribed to a clothing catalog...A store that sells things that I buy...With great coupons...Yep! I took that first little step.

If I had taken this thought seriously in December, I would have done things differently. Like that last detox/cleanse your dad and I did...The night before we started I went WILD. I mean really WILD. I ate enough candy to toxify me for months (NOT proud). So, if I had known I was going to give this idea a try, I would have stored up, like a squirrel, or a bear.

Yes, it's the beginning of 2012, and I have great ambitions! I can do this!


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